Can you make a difference?

A conflict can be as little as a dispute or as large as a war

Our mission is to meet and gather people with good intentions and hand in hand plan, develop, build and manage our communities worldwide by unlocking technological initiatives to improve our life standards and human interaction as socially responsible individuals. And as whom has the power to act, has the responsibility to act, you as citizens have the obligation to take a step forward and point out the wrong that you see, the conflict that exists and the development needed.


Propose a case that could be a small dispute to a potential huge conflict, a case can be:


·         Dispute between families in a village

·         Dispute between 2 villages

·         Dispute between the village and the municipality

·         Need of development in a village (technology, road, special need…)

·         Others that you see appropriate


So take the step now when you are needed, make a difference: