55 world celebrities sing to stop global warming

British rock group Duran Duran and heavy metal band Scorpions are among 55 world celebrities who have joined in recording a song to draw attention to the global warming crisis.

The song is part of a mass media campaign on the threats of climate change organized by the Geneva-based Global Humanitarian Forum, headed by former U.N. secretary general Kofi Annan.

The song entitled “Beds’r Burning,” which was originally recorded by the Australian group Midnight Oil in the 1980s, will be available for download, for free, following a public launch in Paris on Oct. 1.

“If we do not stop the [greenhouse gas] emissions today, global warming will be still be with us in 40 to 50 years,” warned Walter Fust, director of the Forum, at a press conference in Geneva.

The media campaign featuring the song is aimed at putting pressure on world leaders to reach an agreement on tackling climate change at a U.N.-sponsored conference in Copenhagen in December.

Some of the other popular artists who add their voices to the anti-global warming song include French “Piaf” actress Marion Cotillard, Senegalese star Youssou N’dour, Irish singer/composer Bob Geldorf, Chinese singer Khalil Fong, and even a Nobel peace laureate, South African archbishop Desmond Tutu.