October 24: Global Day of Action Against Climate Change


On this day, IndyACTwith more than 800 civil organizations are helping in organizing more than 5200 simultaneous events in over 181 countries.

People from around the globe are coming together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet's history. At over 5200 events around the world, people are gathering to call for strong action and bold leadership on the climate crisis.

From climbers with 350 banners high on the melting slopes of Mount Everest to government officials in the Maldives Islands holding an underwater cabinet meeting to demand action on climate change before their nation disappears to young Arab youth carrying a 350 banner on the historic pyramids of Egypt pushing Arab governments to act against climate change, people are taking a stand to urge world leaders to sign an ambitious, fair and binding global climate deal. The actions aim to urge world leaders to pass climate policies grounded in the latest science and strong enough to get us back to 350 parts per million on carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.

350 is the most important number on this Earth - 350 parts per million is the most concentration we can safely have in our atmosphere without endangering life on earth. The current CO2 concentration is 390 parts per million and rising.

