Smart buses in Abereen will encourage efficient driving

Smart buses in Abereen will encourage efficient driving  

Bus travel in Aberdeen is about to become an even greener option. Transport company FirstGroup has announced that it will fit a device to all 180 of its buses in the Granite City to help drivers reduce fuel consumption.

DriveGreen detects driving movements and, by displaying a red, amber or green light, informs the driver how efficiently they are accelerating, braking and cornering. Trial results have shown that drivers guided by the technology would use 500 litres less fuel in a year. If rolled out to all of FirstGroup’s 8,500 buses, the company anticipates a saving of 130,000 tonnes of CO2: “the equivalent of removing 24,000 cars from the roads”.

“Eco-driving not only improves fuel efficiency but results in smoother driving as well,” adds Rupert Fausset, Forum for the Future’s transport expert, “so passengers should feel the difference too.”. – Dixe Wills

16 June 2010

Dixe Wills

Reference greenFuture