‎1.‎ Educational tour in Ragalna (Sicily) 8 October 2016‎

The Centre of Local Culture of Ragalna is one of the most advanced and dynamic CLC developed by the ONMEST2 project in Sicily. The Centre hosted on 8 October 2016 an educational tour of Tour Operators from Denmark, France, Hungaria and Italy to test the welcoming of tourists in the Centres of Local Culture in Sicily. The guests took part to the entertaining activities in the seat of the CLC of Ragalna, which created a cooperative named Etna Welcome to host the visitors.

After a visit to the surroundings of Ragalna as far as the lower craters and old lava flows near the Rifugio Sapienza,  the visitors took part to a nice familiar experience of a kitchen lesson of an old

process of preparing and cooking a local pasta,  then had a dinner together with the hosts in the restaurant  “la Cantina del Picaro”, 
managed by the “Etna Welcome”, the local cooperative of the Ragalna CLC.

The visit will frame itself among the initiatives to launch Ragalna and other Sicilian CLC in the national and international tourism.