The sentinel of the environment

The bee is the sentinel of the environment. Albert Einstein said: “When the bee disappears, there will remain nothing anymore after four years".


The bee has a double effect, on the pollination and the vegetable ecological balance of each area. With its absence, wild species of plants will disappear.

The presence of the bees is an indication of health of the nature. Studies show that the bees returned to their hives during the day after the explosion of the nuclear reactor of the Tchernobile thus the bee plays the part of a biological filter because it makes the first contact with nature and, in the case of toxicity, it dies before turning over to its colony.


Moreover, the use of manures and weeding chemical rarefy the hosts of the plains and gardens. For example, the treated flowers will be neglected by the bees which will not visit anymore these places. The bee thus plays a big role on the level of the pollination of the flowers; it maintains the life plant without which humanity would cease existing.

Caroline Daher