Join Baldati TV team

Baldati association invites you to propose your Case/conflict/dispute/problem:


Baldati is glad to announce our newest application on the Baldati TV;

This is a video application on each village, club and E-community.

This new feature on your website will be used to cover and introduce to the public, media and government your problems by conflict resolution approaches and posting those on the website.

Examples of issues to be treated: conflicts between families or groups within a certain village, among two or more villages and issues between a village and municipality in addition to environmental and economic problems and conflicts which solving that will support development of our communities and different stakeholders. Those conflicts could be emerged from racism, past actions or political difference and discrimination in addition to survival and development of the stakeholders and communities.

Your role is to propose a dispute or conflict that is present in your village or community to which we will work together in addressing the heart of the problem, treat it and post the video on the

Once chosen you will be among the editors...


Only three villages at the first stage will be selected so start your nomination; just state your village (along with district and governorate) and a brief description of the conflict you would like to address.

P.S: this race will end in the first half of February 2009