

أهداف الجمعيّة

 تحسين نوعيّة حياة كبار السن وذلك :

-        بمساعدتهم على تخطّي ضعفهم وعزلتهم الإجتماعيّة و شعورهم بالتهميش

-        العمل على الإعتراف بعطاءاتهم وأهميّتهم والسعي إلى تأمين حقوقهم.

-        مساعدة عائلاتهم على الإهتمام بهم وتلبية إحتياجاتهم.

-        حث الشباب على تقديم العناية والرعاية لهم.



Kibarouna is a Lebanese NGO. It is a non-profit organization that aims to work with the Senior citizens from all parts of Lebanon. Kibarouna aims at improving the quality of life of Elderly people in Lebanon by achieving the following:

  • Empowering the elderly to overcome their weaknesses, social isolation, and feelings of being abused.
  • Acknowledging the Elderly achievements, value their roles, and support them to attain their rights.
  • Mentoring the elderly families to acquire the necessary skills for caring and answering the Elderly needs.
  • Creating an opportunities for encounters and connection between the Elderly and Youth in Lebanon.

We believe that Elderly people are our Senior citizens. They are our national treasure of heritage and expertise. We need them as much as they need us.

For more info:                                                              

Henriette Haddad-NGO president

+961 (3) 311575

Evienoula K. El Assad-NGO Vice-president

+ 961 (3) 711789