A Message for Lebanon

On Friday June 26th , hundreds of Senior citizens from all over Lebanon answered the invitation of Kibarouna and gathered in “Kasr Al Mo’tamarat” to celebrate the third annual “Grandparents’Day” which falls on the last Sunday of June.

Both Kibarouna and Baldati collaborated to organize this event and make it memorable. Mr. Chaker Noon, President of Baldati, in his delightful dialogue with Tayta Latifa on stage stressed the fact that Baldati mission and Kibarouna's complete each other. The event will be televised by Telelumiere on Sunday June 28 at 1:00 .


The crowd was happily entertained by famous Lebanese  artists: Grace Deeb ( Kibarouna's ambassador) and Tony Kiwan, famous comedian: Elie Massaad, and popular Teita Latifa . Many  Elderly people were cheering and dancing with the same cane which helped them made their way to the auditorium.

At the end of the ceremony all attendees were offered a parting gift of snack and souvenir bag from Kibarouna .