Hello, καλη μερα, good day .....and a good month,  greetings from CLC Crete. May we learn more about the individual members of this what? Is the page an intranet for CLC members or should it approach the public? We are unified in the endevaour to improve our performance
 It is difficult to market the page as it does not show at first glance what it is designed for. It is the web page of the Mediterranean Centres for (local) Culture and sustainable tourisme. We think that the Domain name is not sufficiently represented at the start page. The ONMEST logo, it could provide a link to the EU program, is not sufficient for first time users. The Index page has to catch the visitor and guide his mind into the MED, the different cultures connected by one Sea, the Olive cultivation and social/ambiental degradation.
You may find more information on the activities of the CLC project mamagemen att www.recreatefirst.eu 
We will set up an album in due course. Wo offer our support for what ever we are quaified for. From Soil and Water to Food for the Soul. May peace prevail
Thomas CLC Crete