Hyde park lauching its periodical call for dialogue

Hyde Park launching its periodical call for dialogue.



Yesterday was the awaited event in the Nejmeh square. Young Lebanese from multiple backgrounds gather to celebrate their most special moments: addressing the parliamentarians.


Marwan Hamadeh of the Progressive Socialist Party, Nasser Nasrallah from Amal, Butros Harb, a March 14 independent, and Neamtallah Abi Nasser from the Reform and change bloc,   were present in this event that was hosted by   Walid Abboud. The Parliament deputies answered all the questions about many topics that interests youth of today’s Lebanon.


Every “freedom fighter”   young speaker was accessing the stage, praising the  courage of the martyr Jibran Tueni, thanking the Annahar newspaper  for organizing the event and asking his chosen politician  on the problem he conceived pressing and should be solved.


In turn, the politicians have shown a great deal of understanding of the youth frustration, blaming sometimes themselves, but never giving promise to solve.


The Hyde Park celebration is a special event not to miss