Food & Feast (Akl w Eid) in Rashaya

Baldati joined today, Sunday the 2nd of November 2008, Rachaya's municipality and Souk Al Tayeb in Akl w Eid in Rashaya Al Wadi to appreciate Mounet Wadi El Taim and promote the Lebanese communities.

Six members of Baldati enjoyed this special day of interaction with the citizen of Rashaya. The ability to collaborate in promoting co-existence, preserving Lebanese heritage, discovering the historical and cultural identity of Rashaya as well as the opportunity to taste the different food traditions of Rashaya added value to our commitment in supporting the Lebanese regions.

Baldati was part of the jury that appreciated the best Aamachiyeh among three delicious recipes prepared by three different women from Rashaya. Such decision was hard to be taken especially that the three recipes were so tasty.  To check the exciting pictures of this event please use this link

We will keep you up dated on with the upcoming events of Akl w Eid organized by Souk el Tayeb in the different regions of Lebanon hoping from all of you to join us somewhere in Lebanon.

                                                                                                      Solange El-Jbeily